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Photo upload issue (Google Photos)

Hi everyone,
It appears that our Google Photos API key has been reaching the 10,000 photos/day maximum for the last week or so. So if you’ve been noticing that your Birdfeeder photos aren’t being uploaded lately, this is likely the cause.

You aren’t losing any photos though. They are being uploaded to your Vizy’s SD card (/home/pi/vizy/apps/birdfeeder/media) where they are waiting to be uploaded. The Birdfeeder app will then dutifully try to upload the photos until it’s successful.

We’re looking into ways around this-- notably increasing the quota. (Interestingly, this isn’t as straightforward as you’d imagine…) We’ll keep you posted.

Sorry for the hiccup. :frowning:


Can we imagine having the possibility to send picture to a local NAS or any kind of sharing folder from vizy settings?

Vizy is itself a NAS – so you could access the media directory and see the pictures that way.
Copying to another NAS is an interesting suggestion – thanks :slight_smile:


We’ve fixed this issue :slight_smile:

The latest release (0.1.102) has a slightly more involved onboarding process for the Google services. But once you have it up and running, you’ll be able to upload 10,000 photos/day, which is hopefully enough :slight_smile:

You can read about the new process here:

