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Looking for a programmer specializing in Computer Vision Technology

Looking for a programmer specializing in Computer Vision Technology for a new project.

Please email [email protected]

Thank You

Hy it would be nice if you could write something about the project you want to build/ accomplisch.
Im not specialising in Computer vision but i have a some amount of knowlage.
Im a Electrician Programmer working in the automotive supplier chain.
Oh and why do i not mail you?
I guess a lot of people seeing this ask themselfs do i fit or what do you need i just feel you are asking a bit vage. :slight_smile:
for example do you want something on vizy i guess yes since its this forum or Baluff, cognex, keyence, ifm you name it. since its all technology there is no real right or one to rule them all but there might be the corect tool for your application,if one just knew what it was.

Hi Patrick,
I suppose anyone can post here, but I’m guessing you want someone to write vision software that runs on your Vizy?


hi, thanks for the message, this is for an app that can identify, track and record information with regards to billiards…

Any possibilities?

hi, thanks for the message, this is for an app that can identify, track and record information with regards to billiards…

is this something you can do?

Hi Patrick,
That all makes sense, but it’s unclear what platform you’re using, Vizy or something else. This is useful information.


Hello Patrik kind of just saying traking the balls is way to little.
Meaning only traking is just half of the work.
So what are other thing to look at
Display stuff on the table beamer visualisation
calculating how the billars behave phisics
moving or reading adjustig sensors for the billard stick.
You see so your explenation is realy lacking…
but i do want to be helpfull so look at ths --> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vsTTXYxydOE
you tube channel: stuff made here
video: Automatic pool stik

Thanks for the info, I am happy to have a phone conversation to better clarify if you are available…

Thanks edge, could be Vizy but even a raspberry py may work in the beginning stages for testing…