Been playing around with /home/pi/vizy/examples/tensorflow/* and trying to extract the text labels from _detected:
_detected = tflow.detect(frame, block=False)
# If we detect something…
if _detected is not None:
# …save for render_detected() overlay.
detected = _detected
What are the methods / attributes to extract the text labels, etc?
Are these inherited from standard tensorflow library, or has the tf library been modified for embedded purposes?
Here “detected” is a list of KimagedDetected objects. You should be able to do something like:
for d in detected:
print(d.index, d.label,, d.score)
KimageDetector and KimageDetected allow us to have different object detector implementations (Tensorflow, Tensorflow Lite, PyTorch, etc.) but use the same interface.
Hi, is there / or do you planning on publishing some documentation for KimageDetector and KimageDetected, etc. Are these binaries or can I view the source via your GitHub repository?