As a developer myself, the statement “taking more time than we orginially thought” should be on a T-shirt.
Having attempted to dig into vision off an on in the past, the task you have set before you of making this stuff accessible is a big one. I realize you have to get the infrastructure figured out and in place before you can really focus on simplifying the user experience.
Based on what your PixyCam did for the FIRST community in making vision more of a commodity and not just for the elite teams I have faith that you will be successful in this next big jump up.
I will wait patiently on you guys and hack at the examples in the meantime to get some level of understanding with some of the basics.
I would like to start by hacking the bird feeder defender to defend my strawberry patch from rabbits and birds. Any tips/suggestions? I did’t see rabbits in any of the classifications (not a big bird feeder nuisance I know). Also, in this implementation I don’t care about bird species so would it be better to use somthing like the Coco library? I didn’t see rabbits in Coco either though.
Thanks for the hard work you’ve done and the hard work to come.