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A couple of comments about the assembly

Just a couple of comments on the assembly process (so far :slight_smile: )

  1. I found the picture at https://docs.vizycam.com/lib/exe/detail.php?id=wiki%3Aoutdoor_enclosure_getting_started&media=wiki:image_276.jpg a little confusing … I think its a different connector than shipped. Maybe update the picture ?

  2. With the zoom lens and enclosure, its going to be very hard to adjust the zoom and focus … need to unscrew the front, slide the bracket forward, adjust, slide back in, re-screw and hope you’ve got it right

I can see a high priority enhancement will be to somehow motorise the zoom and focus.

But I have to say I found the docs very easy to follow :slight_smile:

Agreed about the motorized zoom and focus… it’s challenging, but we have some ideas that involve retrofitting existing lenses.

Thanks for the feedback!

Actually I was thinking about this when I got the lens out of the box, and googled some DIY solutions… one I found from Element 14 (thou there are a few issues with tolerances, and 3D printed gears, it did work). https://youtu.be/vK3PbqzKNsQ

I was thinking of replacing the servo with a stepper, and doing the gearing a bit more like a linear actuator, and maybe metal gears (Maybe use a laser cutter for cutting out the gears in plastic, not sure about that yet.) This gave me some ideas for doing a motorized zoom lens.

I agree 100% - just recently got everything set up and realized the most frustrating part with the outdoor enclosure and the zoom lens is getting the zoom correct from wherever youre setting this and then every time you move it.

Hope this comes soon!

I’ve gone back to the wide angle lens ( although tricky to focus ). Zoom lens is too hard to get it right.

I believe the external enclosure in general needs a re-think. Way too hard to open up, change lens etc, especially with the power-over-ethernet and the nuts that just always fall out.

The nuts are a little too small … they turn when trying to attach a tripod.

Hello, thanks for the feedback. We solved several problems with the outdoor enclosure vs what you can currently purchase, but that’s not to say that it can’t be improved more.

The nuts are an easy thing to fix and we’ve identified. The difficulty with opening is another issue we’re looking into. What about the PoE?


Changing the lens involved for me -

  • Unscrew the front
  • Unscrew the back
  • Slide out
  • Push POE out the way to access screw holding the vizy in
  • Remove old lens
  • Add new lens
  • Re-attach vizi to slider in new position - but now the cable tie is covering hole, so needed to unstick cable tie to get at correct screw hole
  • Slide back in
  • Screw in back
  • Screw in front